Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Family "Fun"

I was leafing through my latest issue of Family Fun magazine and I'm having some serious Stay at Home Mommy envy here. I do believe Disney created this entire magazine just to screw with me. Just to taunt me with the idea that, with enough effort, I too can be Supermom of the neighborhood. My home can be filled with the smells of gingerbread and spiced oranges. I can snap those photos of MY kids making thumbprint reindeer and marshmallow snowmen ornaments. Family Fun is chock full of recipes, crafts, and social gathering extravaganza ideas.

Back to reality. In my house, Jaden would shove the cloves up her nose and Caitlyn would eat the snowman glitter sparkles. Christian would gleefully use a black Sharpie to design a Nightmare Before Christmas ornament and place it front and center among my crystal treasures. I suppose Kharli would have some fun making cookies, though. I'll need to pick up a tube of slice and bake sugar cookie dough. And should I choose to video this Family Funfest, I feel quite certain that Craig will either burp or fart in the background.

I'm sure there's something in there for us though. As we count down to the holidays I will turn to my December issue for inspiration. Too bad the only time I have to read it is in the bathroom while toddler fingers wiggle under the door.

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