Sunday, January 30, 2011

People Are Awesome

This weekend Kharli organized a car wash/bake sale for her boyfriend's family.   He and his sister are taking care of their mom in hospice, and their dad passed away last week.  They're grieving and struggling financially to get by.

When Kharli asked her friends and family for help...they really came through!  I was impressed by how many people showed up today to labor for the benefit this family, and by how many others donated their time or money, or both. 

It just did my heart a lot of good to see that today...

And to quote Kharli, "People are just awesome!"

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I love my job.  Really, really love my job.  I don't even think of it as a "job", but more as a lifestyle.  I get up every day and go do my thing.  And it makes me happy.

But still, for all that, working is necessary.  We can't afford for me not to earn a paycheck.  It's not even something to consider.

I hear and read about a lot of other women who claim that they sacrifice so much so that they can stay home with their kids. 

I think it's women like ME who are sacrificing.  I'm not willing to not have a family just because I must earn a living,  so I reluctantly send my little girls to daycare. 

Daycare sucks. 

Daycare gets the best of my girls.  While I'm away teaching other people's kids, I don't get to nurture, teach, or care for my own.   That's a sacrifice.  I'm putting all my hopes into the idea that I can make up for that in the evenings and on weekends, but it's the biggest gamble.  You don't get do-overs if you screw up the first 5 years. 

I think being a mom is THE most important thing a person can be.  Moms who stay home by choice, whose lifestyles can make that happen,  are so lucky.   So they give up nicer cell-phones or highlights or whatever.  So what.

I give up something I can't even put into words, and it breaks my heart.

Saturday, January 1, 2011