Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Peace, Love, Happiness

Lots of people tend to become poetically reflective around the New Year, but not me.  I'm a birthday sort of girl.  Whenever April 18th rolls around, I find myself thinking a lot about my little world and my place in it. 

I've never been one for wistful thinking about what could be, if only.  I guess I just don't have an if only personality.  You know what I mean....if only I had a better job, if only we made more money, if only I had a nicer car, if only we could live in a better neighborhood....if only. 

Not that I don't have goals and dreams, because I do.  My head is in the clouds more often than not.  It's just that I'm not ruled by the if only thoughts that cause so many people so much unhappiness. 

Want to know the secret to happiness?  Learn to love what you have, while you have it.  Dream big and work hard for those dreams, but find contentment along the way. 

I love my life.  Love it.  I have a wonderful husband and family, a career that gives me joy, a nice place to live and raise my littlest daughters.  If this is all I ever had I would be content.  And yet, every time another birthday rolls around, I find that more and more of my dreams have come true.

Life is good.


  1. Happy Birthday and Happy Life, Dawn!

  2. I like the way you look at things! I'm happy for you Lucky Girl!

