Sunday, October 18, 2009

Random Hits

ALSO edited for this very reason.

You want to know something really sad? Well, I think it's sad anyway.

My little blog here has seen more readers than usual in the past couple of months. Why, do you ask? I'll tell you...It's not because I am more awesome this month than I was 6 months ago.

However, a while back I wrote a blog that I titled "Evryon Els Is Smrtr Thn Me." That particular blog has gotten quite a few hits from random people who happened upon it when they were searching Google or Yahoo or something.

Here's the sad part. Don't cry.

These are the phrases people typed into their search engines right before they accidentally happened upon my blog...

"my boyfriend is smrtr thn me"
"what if she's smrtr thn me?"
"evryne else is smrtr thn me"
"why is everyone smrter thn me?"
"evryne at work is smrtr thn me"
"why does evryne else seem to be smrtr?"
"I think evryne's smrtr thn me"

There were more, but you get the point.

That just breaks my heart. I wish I could find all those people, whoever they are, and hug them or tutor them or...something. They need something.

It makes me wonder how many people, at this very moment, are unhappy...feeling alone and searching for answers. I wish I had some to give them.

1 comment:

  1. I think Heather was the number one hit for "booger" for awhile. People Google weird things.

    I still have no idea how I find out what people are Googling to find me though. So you're smarter than I am ;P
