Friday, March 25, 2011

5 Years In

When Craig and I married, we just jumped in.  We knew we were creating a blended family, and that it would be great at times and challenging at times.  We knew that living with each other's quirks would be both pleasant and crazy, life-sucking reality.  But, I love him.  For some reason, he loves me.  So we jumped in.

Most times, I think he's the only one who really gets me.  Other times...I think the poor guy hasn't got a clue who I am inside.   Still...he's the only one I really let see who that person is, whether he understands her or not.  It took me a decade to grow into a woman who could be that vulnerable, but he never lets me down.  I trust him with those pieces of me.

Five years later, here we are.  Five years of teenagers, babies, laundry, bills, carpooling, and a few hundred spaghetti we STILL are.  And it's great :)

Happy Anniversary, Craig!

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