Thursday, June 18, 2009


I'm a people watcher. I notice things. I analyze things. I enjoy the dynamics of watching human beings interact with each other. And I generally LIKE people. However, the downside to noticing things is that sometimes you see the reality of the way they really ARE, rather than the way you wish they were. It's not always pretty.

Living in Arizona this past year has NOT been a pretty little bubble of happiness and good-will. Especially when it comes to the issue of immigration. Many residents have extremely strong, negative feelings on this issue.

This week, Wal-Mart opened a new store in my city...a Supermercado. It caters to the Hispanic population, and this has really incensed some Phoenicians.

Why? Why does anyone really care if a certain population can shop for the foods and goods they enjoy in their culture? We have Jewish delis, German bakeries, Polish butcher shops...I've never heard anyone complain about those.

But I have heard so many bitter comments, and seen some very despicable actions when it comes to hispanic immigrants. And it all makes me sad to live here among some of the citizens of my country...and my planet for that matter.

Okay, fine. You don't have to share my feelings to be entitled to your own. We are all allowed to feel the way we feel, and feelings are something that can never really be up for debate. But... comments and actions are a different story.

You know how, now that we live in the age of green enlightenment, people are always talking about carbon footprints? As in, what mark (undesirable greenhouse gas emissions) will you leave on this Earth?

Why is there not a term coined to describe the HATE footprints that are left on this Earth? All those poisonous little things a person says and does that cause hostility and rancor among the population. Things that negatively affect us as a human race.

Because, if you really think about it, does it even matter how healthy and beautiful the Earth is if those who inhabit it perpetuate ugliness?

Just something to consider as you pass by a smiling family going into the Supermercado to shop for some fresher papayas and avocados.


  1. Very well said and I agree with you.

    Why is it okay to have a Jewish deli but not a Mexican one? Makes no sense to me.

    (Says the girl who's both German and Hispanic)

  2. Lovely post. And great analogy. If there's negative press in your local papers, you should write a letter to the editor sharing this idea.
