Sunday, October 24, 2010

5...Picture Attitude

This post is supposed to be about a "favorite memory."  Okay, well, a could upload dozens of pictures of any of my four children being born, or my wedding day (oh, wait! hahaha) or our family vacations.  And those are all wonderful memories.  How can I choose just one?  So...I'm going to forgo the obvious and share this memory instead. 

Yes, it's from my wedding day, but no, it wasn't a happy thing.  This is when I decided to steam my wedding veil 30 minutes before showtime.  As you can see, there was a little mishap with me and the steamer.  Things like that are a big deal for brides, you know!  Well, I cried for about 8 seconds.  But then I got a grip, laughed a little and went back to drinking champagne.  I put that veil on and wore it with my beautiful dress and took lots of pictures!  I like this memory because although it's only a small thing, it shows what I'm made of.


  1. I was SO proud of you for wearing that veil! I tell people about it all the time!

  2. I remember that day too. Only you would pose for a picture with the hole in her veil. I really like that about you!

