I love my husband a great deal, and one of the things I dig about him is that he's a sports fanatic. Every sport, all NY teams, every weekend. And that's just the pro stuff, don't even get me started on his college teams. He's all guy that way, and I get that. I even like it.
But what I don't understand is the number of women who are as into football as my man. I know that makes me sound hopelessly gender-biased, which I'm really not, but my girlfriends who scream at the TV and play the football pool and look forward to Sunday because the games are on? I don't get them.
I just don't understand why they like it so much. What's the pull? What IS it about football that makes them light up like that? Am I missing something?
I've been told that it's sexy for a woman to be into sports. That hats and jerseys on girls are cool. But really...unless that girl's doing a football jersey strip tease after the game, what's so sexy about it? Truly, I'd rather be reading, or baking cookies, or listening to music, or watching reruns of Friends...all very nice past-times that may or may not lead to sex just much as football watching.
Don't get me wrong, though. I do like sports...some of them. I like hockey and baseball a lot, and enjoy going to those games. I think it's cute when my husband buys our girls NY team jerseys. And I really want our girls to play sports as they grow up. Sure, I'll be the mom on the sidelines reading a book, but hey...I'll be there.
I have this vision, years down the road, of my daughters sitting on the couch on Sundays with their dad, shouting and cheering over some televised game. I have a feeling there will be many weekends to come where our girls play games on Saturday, and watch them on Sunday.
And me? I'll probably still be sitting here shaking my bewildered head as I bake cookies and blog.
Well my hubby is one of those guys but I BECAME one of those women too. It happened slowly. First I was bored, then Mike taught me rules so I knew what was REALLY going on. Then one time I called a foul before the ref and he got up walked across the room and kissed me and told me he knew why he was in love with me.
ReplyDeleteIt's sexy to be into something that they are into. It's sexy to have something in common and it's a great way to spend a day with the hubby (and fam) but it gives us a good excuse to be high fiving and hugging and yelling TOGETHER. It's the adrenaline rush of your team doing well that helps make it sexy ;)
There are limits of course and times where I "drag" him to something else on game day but for the most part when the Packers are on we're here (we bleed green and gold in Wisconsin) and when the Badgers are on the game is on too.
The pull for football? Men in tight pants and bending over. I prefer shopping!