Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Bomb Shelter

I guess everybody has a mental list of things they'd stockpile in an underground bomb shelter.  It's too gloomy thinking about the end of the world, so let's just say...if I had to stock a Biosphere 2 shelter for a one-year human experiment,  here's what I'd include.

I would be SOL because my all-time favorite foods are cereal and fruit. I'm thinking milk and fruits and veggies would spoil quickly. 

I'd have to have a huge barrel of instant coffee. And instant wine.  Oh, what the hell...I can probably just get real wine.

Board games.  Like Life and Monopoly that have a bajillion pieces and take hours to play.

Handheld Yahtzee.

A LOT of books.  I'd say some kind of eReader, but bomb shelter rule #1 is that you are cut off from civilization.  So I guess that includes internet.

Notebooks, to write or make lists in.  And a Polaroid camera to document my rise to Yahtzee fame.

A potty chair with an automatic incinterator switch, cause there's no way I'm bagging anyone's waste for a year.

Some puppies. Can't go wrong with puppies.  And an incinerator for the puppy poop.

Oh, and some food and water and candles and stuff.

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