Sunday, July 11, 2010


My girls have a thing for Mama Mia.  I mean, a real THING.    We're a bit strict with the TV, so they get one show a day.  They usually choose Barney, Sesame Street, Blue's Clues, and.....the movie version of Mama Mia.

Ever since they saw this movie, they've been convinced that ABBA's song "Honey, Honey" is really an ode to Caitlyn, so we sing it to her all the time.  Craig even bought the soundtrack to calm their crabby car rides home in the afternoons.  Amanda Seyfried is some kind of superstar in their eyes.  

Anyway, one of the things Jaden has started doing is quoting bits of the dialogue.   Until now,  it's been fairly tame.  That is, unless you know what "dot, dot, dot" means.  

So this morning Jaden and I were talking about going swimming in the pool later with Caitlyn and Craig.   She was really excited and she ran to tell Caitlyn, "Honey!  We're going swimming later!  Daddy's going to swim, and Mommy's going to swim, dot dot!"

I burst out laughing, but oh...Mama Mia!


  1. That is so funny!!!

  2. Mama Mia is my favorite, too. Those girls have great taste.
