Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No Good Reason

You know what I really hate in the blogging world?  Blogs about BLOGS.  As in, people using their blogspace to write about writing in their blogspace.  Ick.   But I'm going to shelve that loathing temporarily in order to write about blogging.  I'm wincing to myself even as I type this.

Kharli asked me the other day, "What's up with your blog? Why haven't you written anything lately?"  My answer? "No good reason."  There are a lot of little reasons.  Small, inconsequential, meaningless, [insert another synonym here] reasons.  Those little things add up, I guess.

1.  I have all day now that it's summer, but those days are full.   FULL...busy, busy, busy with my girls and family.  I go to bed as tired as I do on a regular school day.

2.  I'm trying to not drink a whole lot of wine.  Not in some sordid AA way, just because of expense and calories, etc.  However, I do tend to write a lot at night either after or during the consumption of wine :) 

3.  Facebook is the devil.  You KNOW what I mean, don't you?  What a completely entertaining internet time-suck!  In between checking my friends' statuses, commenting on people living their lives, updating, feeding my zoo animals and tending my farm....well, who has time to do anything else?  Admit it..how many times have you logged on "for a quick minute" only to click out 90 minutes later?  So...yeah.  Facebook has killed many a blog, I think.

4.  Nothing seems important.  That's dumb, but well...every day I think of something I want to write about.  I blow myself off, though,  because I figure if I haven't written in two whole weeks the next thing I choose to write about should be something more worthwhile than my thoughts on why I haven't blogged in a while.

5.  Um, that's all.  I just hate ending on 4.  The number 5 has more list-writing power.

Okay, so I've decided to write a post about something EVERY DAY for at least the rest of the summer.  Some might be really good posts, but I'm guessing most will just be my random ding-a-ling thoughts.  This could be kind of fun, actually! 

But, I have to go write something for real now.  Crap.